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Training is at the core of the company's organization

Employees are Trèves' most important asset.Therefore, Trèves continuously invest in their professional qualifications, capacities, know-how and soft skills, which are essential for our business success.

Besides on-the-job training and locally organised courses, Trèves has developed a large e-learning platform, which is regularly enriched with new modules accessible to all employees worldwide.

5 reasons to join the Trèves Group

A growing
global leader

With extensive experience & technical expertise, Treves is focused on a long term stategy of building strong and sustainable relationships based on trust with all internal and external stakeholders.

Strong human

By placing women and men at the very heart of its strategy, Trèves devotes all necessary means to guarantee the best working conditions to its employees.

A stimulating

Trèves stands out through its ability to innovate, and encourages each and every employee to look for new ideas.

Career development

With a presence on four continents, the company offers the opportunity to work internationally, enabling the development of enriching and varied career paths.


Trèves believes that employees progression and investment in training throughout their career help them to achieve their full potential.